Cookie Butter Cheesecake sort of speaks for itself — and it is the most requested dessert by my family and friends for holiday gatherings. It’s delicious, creamy and last year, with COVID, we weren’t together for Thanksgiving, so I passed the recipe along to my cousin to make for her fiancĂ© (now husband). At Christmas, I made mini versions in…
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Bleu Cheese Fondue Chips: Perfect for 4th of July
Let me start by saying: I don’t like bleu cheese. I’ve never been a big fan. Something about the aged green/blue moldiness of it just feels wrong. It’s very strong and tangy — and I just prefer a good sharp cheddar or a jack. A gouda or a brie. Fast forward to 2011, 2012? I’m not entirely sure. But nearly…
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Strawberry Basil Lemonade
It’s that time of year — the strawberry fields are full of ripe berries to pick, every road-side stand and farmer’s market has fresh, native strawberries and if you’re like me, you scoop them up as if you’re never going to see strawberries again — then you have to figure out how to use them all before they rot. I’ve…
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Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Yeah, I made banana bread, like everyone else in quarantine. My favorite variation, however, is one I was introduced to be my former voice teacher in middle school — chocolate chip banana bread. I’ll admit to my guilt: I’m basically just buying bananas and letting them get too ripe to eat so I can make stuff with them. I’m not…
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